Friday, September 24, 2010

Brain Teaser-Recognition

Thanks to for the image!

John lived in England all his life, until his parents died. He then went to Austrailia to visit relatives. His Aunt Mary had left England before he was born and had never returned. He never met his Aunt Mary, had never spoken to her, and had never seen a picture of her. Yet he recognized her immediately in a crowded airport. How?

Click the text that says "comment" under this post.
Type your guess in the comment box.
Explain your answer using 3-4 sentences to describe how it is possible.
Click, post comment.


  1. I think he new because of inhrited trats. or he just knew when he look at her. Madeie his mom told him what she looks like juse hav never seen her.

  2. Anapaula Maybe his aunt looked a little bit like his mom or dad. And his mom and dad told them about her before they past. And discribed her face. Or their was just something special about her

  3. I think jhon reonized her because he could look at the face shape,eye color,hair color and skin color to say witch person lokks almost exactly like her. Besides her changed coloring.

  4. He could have recognized her because maybe in his mind he could tell that was his aunt. Also, maybe his parents could have talked about his aunt Mary to him. So, maybe with telling him about her he could recognized her in a crowded airport.

  5. He might have known her by what some of his other reletives looked like and what features he and his other reletives got from her.

  6. I think that he can tell in his brain that it's his Aunt and his Aunt might look like his mom or dad. So he could tell when it was crowded at the airport he could tell by the looks of her. It could also be because she had a sign or was calling his name.

  7. Maybe he took a guess to who she was. He probably heard what she looked like from relatives before. He could've seen that maybe she looked like other relatives. Maybe thats why he recongized her.

  8. when his parents past away she might have a twin. So john may have known her by remembering his moms face.Thats how he knew her.

  9. I think Aunt Mary are twins. John reconizes her from her moms face. He doesn't know that his mom has a twin.

  10. I think because she's his mom's sister and they both inherited traits from their parents.

  11. it said he was in an airpor it also said he
    was visting Austrailia so probaly when he was going back he saw her cause she was the only
    english person there besides him

  12. 1. Someone was calling Aunt Mary's name. 2. John was yelling too much like "AUNT MARY AUNT MARY" then, Aunt Mary said "WHAT!". 3. Quick reaction to the brain maded John remember Aunt Mary in his mind.

  13. skye

    he might have herd stuff from his parents when he was little like what her hair color looked like and other stuff like that or he had dream or other things

  14. well if he said aunt maryand she turned around you can pin point her out

  15. Maybe His parents told him what she looks like or maybe he just knew that it was his aunt from his brain. Also shw could of looked like his mom Because they might of been sisters.

  16. Its probaly because they look the same. Or he felt the feeling of a relative close to you. Or they yelled each other names.

  17. I say when he was at the airport somthing snaped or poped in to his head.Plus,why is he going to viset his reletives?I thing we might find out next week.

  18. I think he noticed her because his mom might had a twin and his mom never told him
